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We are nuggie

Mobile Marketing

Pay Per Click (PPC) Management

Conversion Rate Optimization

Email Marketing

Online Presence Analysis

Fell Free To contact Us
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info@your business.com

184 Main Collins Street West Victoria 8007


Grow Freely

Your chronic efforts and time are important, so is seed to sale compliance. We care about our Michigan growers and want to protect them. That's why we are designing a product to do just that. NUGGIE Grow, ready for business.
User-friendly Hardware

Tracking your plants with RFID will keep mistakes to a minimum alongside easy to use software that aids your employees in their daily operations.

Automated Seed to Sale Compliance

With each planting or inventory transfer, your cannabusiness is protected with automated Metrc ® seed to sale compliance.

Intuitive Growth Reports

Understand your grow operation inside and out with strain trends, nutrient comparisons, and yield estimates using our powerful analytics engine.

Shared Platform with Retail

Combining cultivation software with your retail software puts all of your data in the same cloud, making it easier to track your entire operation anywhere.